Lobesia Pro Press®
Pheromone - Mating Disruption
Lobesia botrana

Host Plants
A pest found in orchards, mainly on apple and peach trees.

Pest stage

Codling moth
Targeted stage

Life cycle
2-4 generations / year

Damages caused
Hole and rot in the vine's grapes.

Application method

Pheromone Gel
Aluminium pouch of 250g of formulation

The application is performed using Despencer.

Product assets
Eco friendly
• Allowed in organic farming.
• Highly specific.
• Solvent free.
• No residue.
• No phyto toxicity.
• No impact on natural enemies and pollinators. -
Unique manufacturing process
• High pheromone purity.
• Microencapsulation process.
• No pheromone deterioration.
• Gradual diffusion. -
Practical product
• Convenient format, reduced handling, no direct contact with the product.
• No direct contact with the product.
• Playful application method.
• Compatible with other pest management products.
• Faster application method.

General instructions
Formulation Objective:
• Pheromones to inhibit the coupling of the Codling moth (Lobesia Botana) on Vineyard. The pheromone attracts the male adults of the target insect thus preventing coupling. The product affects only the male insect adults and has no effect on female adults, eggs or larvae.
Application method:
• Air Pressure Dispensing System
Application conditions:
•The 250 g package allows for depositing in about 100 "diffusion points" in the field. The recommended diffusion points are 50/ha. The 'diffusion points' should be evenly distributed in the vineyard. At the boundaries of the plot it is recommended that the 'diffusion points' are doubled in order to increase the concentration of pheromone.
• Recommended with applications at 50 diffusion points/ha. The diffusion points are evenly distributed in the field. It is recommended to place more diffusion points at the field boundaries, namely 12,5 g/ha of additional product (5 diffusion points).
• In fields with a history of high population pressure or where unacceptable infestations occur, make supplemental applications with appropriate insecticides or other control methods.